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Covid Update?
Posted by Michael Quadri on January 13, 2022 at 9:00 amDuring the colder months, the risk of infection increases drastically, especially with the newer variants.
Have you or anyone close to you tested positive for COVID? How did you feel, and how and what countermeasures are you taking to ensure you keep yourself in the best health?
viviane salzman replied 2 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
I have not had COVID but I currently have a bad sore throat, and I am feeling unwell. I will get a Covid test tomorrow. Will keep you posted.
Hi Viviane, I am sorry to hear that, please keep us updated. I hope you make a speedy recovery.
Hello all,
My Covid rapid test and PCR both came back negative. I praise God for that. Doctor thinks that I have allergies. I am feeling lot better. How is everyone doing?
I am doing well, but a bunch of my classmates, teachers, and family friends are all of a sudden getting COVID, so I’m doing everything I can to protect myself. 👍🏾
Great to hear you are feeling better!
I am well thank you, been a slow start to the week but I am pushing on.
I have had Covid, late summer, probably the Delta variant. I have SCD and up to that point, very few crises for the last 5-6 years. I am not vaccinated and at this point do not have plans to get it. I caught it from my vaccinated assistant while we both had on masks and brought it home to my husband and young son. We all caught it, with my son who has the trait having the least symptoms, about 1-2 days of a slight fever and a sore shoulder/chest. My symptoms lasted about 5 days with a severe headache and fever, chills, tiredness, and a cough. Overall, it felt like a bad version of the flu (I don’t take flu vaccinations either). I think what has helped me through the episode is that I was kinda prepared for it, in case I caught it. I had an oximeter to monitor my oxygen levels, I took vitamins profusely before, during and after and my family and I try to exercise regularly. I might be a rare case, might be normal, not sure, just giving my experience but everyone has to do what is best for them and know their body. We are continuing the same practices and have now added more supplements to our diet with this new wave, omicron, going around.
Hi Helena, I hope you and your family are feeling much better and have managed to avoid the other variants going around. I would love to hear about the vitamins and supplements that you use if you don’t mind sharing.
Hello, haven’t been on in a while, just busy with work and life since everything is trying its best to get back to some normalcy. Just responding to Tito, my whole household takes daily multivitamins, we take vitamin C with vitamin D3 in it, elderberry syrup and seamoss gel from a homemade supplier, right after the last episode, I started taking CBD oil for my sickle cell and now take it more or less daily and other than that we exercise and go outside regularly.
Since this post, about 3 weeks ago, I, unfortunately, caught Covid again from my husband’s family. The second time was like a medium sinus infection. Major symptoms lasted about 2 days but other than that I was the only one that caught it in my household this time. Everyone in his family is vaccinated.
Hey Oluwatomi, please try and be as careful as you can so you avoid catching it!!!
Hi @lena-robbie, I can imagine, life is definitely becoming busier!
Nice, I know a lot of people who use some of the same vitamins, it is definitely something worth considering.
Sorry to hear that you caught covid again, I hope it wasn’t too disruptive and that you’re feeling better now. Do you think you’ll be getting vaccinated anytime soon?
At this time, since my body knows how to handle the virus, I don’t have any plans to get it, but I’ll keep monitoring the progress of the vaccine. If I feel the need later on, then maybe.
Sounds like a good plan @lena-robbie! You know your body best, you know what it needs when it needs it, and as long as you pay attention to these needs I’m sure you’ll be fine!!
Hi guys! It’s been a minute since I’ve checked in. Unfortunately, I caught COVID last May. I was in the hospital for five days. I had a fever, was bringing up phlegm, was fatigued and had some pain. I received Remdesivir infusion, had to be transfused, had pain meds and IV hydration. I am fully recovered but you know, I feel like I have sickle cell every day. Low energy and mild pain here and there. I am keeping myself hydrated and eating healthy. I hope everyone is having a great summer.
Hey @viviane141, it’s good to hear from you & I’m glad to hear that you’re doing much better.
During this season it is so important to be on top of our health look after ourselves the best way we know how!
I hope things get easier for you ♥️
Hey @viviane141, it’s good to hear from you & I’m glad to hear that you’re doing much better.
During this season it is so important to be on top of our health look after ourselves the best way we know how!
I hope things get easier for you ♥️
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