Margarida Maia, PhD,  science writer—

Margarida is a biochemist (University of Porto, Portugal) with a PhD in biomedical sciences (VIB and KULeuven, Belgium). Her main interest is science communication. She is also passionate about design and the dialogue between art and science.

Articles by Margarida Maia

Adakveo Available in UK’s NHS for Patients 16 and Older

Adakveo (crizanlizumab), by Novartis, is now available on the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) for sickle cell disease (SCD) patients 16 and older. The new treatment, which is delivered by an into-the-vein infusion, can be used alone or as an add-on to hydroxyurea to help reduce the frequency of…

New R&D Center Will Focus on Cell-based Therapies

Biopharmaceutical company Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics has launched a new center focused on research and development (R&D) of gene editing and cell-based therapies to treat cancer and rare blood disorders, including sickle cell disease. “Our new R&D facility will provide us with the ability to advance our research and development…