Sickle Sagas – a Column by Dunstan Nicol-Wilson

My Career Was Shaped by Sickle Cell

I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing people who have given me the space to grow and develop. These experiences have been invaluable, and as a manager, I’ve been sharing them with junior staff to help shape their own journeys. In doing so, I’ve reflected a lot on…

Should I Leave My Safe Space?

In the past, whenever I had a sickle cell crisis, I often felt like I’d made a mistake. It was my fault that I’d triggered the episode. Thoughts such as “Why did I do that?,” “I am so silly,” and “I never learn” would cycle through my mind. Each…

My Support Network Is More Than an Audience During a Crisis

I’ve often considered myself unlucky to carry the burden of sickle cell disease, which sometimes seems insurmountable. The journey can be isolating. I have aches and pains that nobody can see and emotions I’m still learning to process. In many situations, I’m constantly thinking about myself, particularly how to avoid…

Telling a Potential Partner That I Have Sickle Cell Disease

The dating scene has shifted significantly in recent years. It’s common nowadays to meet people online through social media or dating apps. Virtual dating allows someone to create a profile that showcases their best qualities. It can include anything from favorite foods to most embarrassing moments. In building my profile,…

Why I Started Advocating for Blood Donations

As someone with sickle cell disease, I’m very passionate about blood donations because this selfless act of kindness can change a person’s life, or even save it. Many donations go toward blood transfusions, a critical treatment for sickle cell patients. I can’t donate blood, so my advocacy efforts…

My Journey to Self-acceptance With Sickle Cell

Advocating for the sickle cell disease community means drawing on my experiences to help communicate the issues its members are facing, and to attract, engage, and educate a general audience. But this takes a toll on me, as many of my memories are unpleasant and traumatic. Even so, I continue…