Finding Sickle Cell Awareness in Unexpected Places

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by Tito Oye |

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I have a lot of pride when it comes to my general knowledge. I think I am a great person to have on your team when playing board games like Articulate and other general quizzes. You can trust me, I’m not being biased in the slightest.

As a kid, I was the type of person who would Google “100 random facts” and read through the list as entertainment. I’d learn facts that would prompt most others to wonder, “Why would I ever need to know this?” But let it be known that last week, during a game night with friends, the members of my team were thanking God I knew that another name for Japanese horseradish is wasabi.

I find that I am always looking for sources to top up my knowledge. Learning random facts about the world is one of my hobbies, and anything that feeds into that is a plus. That is why when I was introduced to “The Infographics Show” on YouTube a few years ago, it was love at first sight, and with each video I watch, I am certain I’ll walk away learning something new.

I recently watched one of their videos titled “Most Painful Things a Human Can Experience #4,” and to my surprise, they mentioned sickle cell disease.

It may sound weird, but I’m happy to hear that having sickle cell disease was named as one of the most painful things a human can experience. I and other sickle cell patients know firsthand how painful sickle cell crises and other complications can be. This is something that we often try, and fail, to explain to others. It is almost as if people think we’re being too dramatic, and our explanations fall on deaf ears. However, seeing the condition being discussed on that channel was almost surreal. I felt relieved that it was mentioned, and I felt seen.

They spoke about the condition for just over a minute, but it was so impactful. They explained the main facts about how it is inherited, what it means, and some of the symptoms. They did not sugarcoat or downplay the seriousness of the condition. I’m happy that the many people who watch their videos will have an accurate introduction to what this condition is.

So, thank you, to the folks at “The Infographics Show” for using the platform to raise awareness. I hope for a future when I am not shocked at the random mention of sickle cell disease, a future when those who spread awareness don’t do it only because they have sickle cell or because they know someone with the condition.


Note: Sickle Cell Anemia News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Sickle Cell Anemia News or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to sickle cell anemia.


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