Sickle Cell Disease News Forums Forums Adults​ ​With​ ​Sickle Cell What do you think about the phrase “Sickle Cell Warrior”?

  • What do you think about the phrase “Sickle Cell Warrior”?

    Posted by Tito Oye on October 7, 2020 at 9:00 am

    While writing this post about Chadwick Boseman’s passing, I referred to his journey with colon cancer as a battle, which I have seen many people do before so I assumed it was okay. I was then alerted that many cancer patients do not like their diagnosis being compared to a battle as it makes it seem that those who have sadly passed have lost their battle which suggests that they didn’t fight hard enough, which isn’t the case.

    I never thought about it before and I now that I have, I understand why people dislike the comparison.

    This also had me thinking about the phrase “sickle cell warrior”… do you like the phrase? Do you think it glamorises the things we go through while dealing with sickle cell?


    Steve M replied 4 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Steve M

    October 29, 2020 at 5:18 am

    In my case yes I’m ok with warrior because yes we fight a huge fight every day because is not like we only worry when we are in pain we have to take care of our health everyday single day…  we go through crisis, infections, organ damages, surgeries, blood transfusions   We miss family meetings important occasions etc… I think we all know that one day SCD is going to win our battle but till then YES we are WARRIORS.

  • Kassem Banawer

    October 29, 2020 at 12:41 pm

    I think we are survivors not worriers, because you should now how to survive with your specials case, we have to believe that we are not normal peoples and we need a special care, with this care you can survive in this case, worrier !!?? you need to fight what ??? you just can’t defeat it you just need to survive with it, and I think this is the best way to win.  / (my own opinion)



  • Steve M

    October 29, 2020 at 1:34 pm

    If you don’t fight you wouldn’t be here now every time you get a crisis you fight it.. how? Well you start drinking more fluids taking pain killers, using heating blankets, resting more etc… if you don’t fight you won’t make it you won’t survive try not to do all this and see what happens or try not to take care of yourself on daily basis.
    You fight since you wake up to stay hydrated to not do anything that will harm your health if you don’t fight you won’t survive is that simple.

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