Shaniqua’s Sickle Chronicles – a Column by Mary Shaniqua

Mary is a 30-year-old London-based sickle cell patient using her experiences to build up others and raise awareness of what it’s like to live with a rare disease.

Reflecting on Another Year With Sickle Cell Disease

For me, 2022 has just been OK in terms of sickle cell disease. I’m still not where I’d like to be health-wise, but I’m getting closer. One thing I’d really like to celebrate is that I haven’t contracted any severe infections this year. That is a big win, and…

How to Prepare Children With Sickle Cell Disease for Adulthood

When children become adults, they must transition from pediatric to adult healthcare services. Transition programs are particularly important for helping patients with chronic conditions navigate this switch. A good program ensures patients are informed about any changes to their care and treatment, and I believe it should also help…

How to Prepare for Holiday Travel With Sickle Cell Anemia

Imagine: You’ve had a long and stressful few months, you’ve accrued some leave at work, and you’ve saved up some money, so you decide to take a holiday. You already have a bucket list of locations you want to visit, so selecting a holiday destination, accommodations, and itinerary took you…