A Message to Parents Expecting a Child With Sickle Cell

Tito Oye avatar

by Tito Oye |

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I recently spoke to a mother who gave birth to a child with sickle cell. The diagnosis was not expected at all. The news completely rocked her world. That’s understandable, as sickle cell results in huge lifestyle changes that a parent needs to accommodate.

I imagine it is the same for almost all parents who are expecting or have a child with sickle cell. While the new addition to your family brings you so much joy, you are also met with a flood of worrying emotions and questions about your child’s life.

You may wonder if you’re equipped to look after a child with sickle cell, if your child will hate you for bringing them into the world, if keeping the pregnancy is a good idea … the list goes on.

This is a short message to those parents or carers who may have such questions.

One thing I want to make clear is that your child will not hate you for bringing them into the world. 

Everyone has hardships and goes through one thing or another, but through any hardship a person might face, the most important thing is the people around them. The people who love them and accept them for who they are, regardless of the situation.

I have been thinking back to moments when sickle cell made life a little difficult and realized that I’ve never questioned my family’s love for me. I’ve never regretted being born, as the love in my life has always outweighed the pain caused by sickle cell.

Yes, I wish some things were handled differently growing up, but my parents did their best and that’s all that matters. They are only human.

Dealing with sickle cell isn’t easy, but the fact that you have so many questions means that you care and that you will strive to do what’s best for your child and love them unconditionally. That’s all we can ask.

Sickle cell is a part of me and makes me who I am. I have been able to meet and help so many people through my illness. Having sickle cell is part of God’s purpose for my life; nothing He does is accidental, and I believe it is the same for your child! 

The key is LOVE. Love your child the way you would want to be loved by a parent.

If you are a parent/carer and have questions about raising a child with sickle cell, please feel free to ask below or in our forums!


Note: Sickle Cell Anemia News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Sickle Cell Anemia News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to sickle cell anemia.


Helena avatar


Tito you are so right, I have Sickle Cell Disease and I am so glad my parents had me. Love was definitely the key, because I knew I had someone there to help me through the pain and help me learn coping and self-care skills. Sickle Cell has only made me mentally stronger and tougher and I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Great article!

Tito Oye avatar

Tito Oye

Yes exactly!

I'm happy you like the article and thank you for sharing ❤️

CuriousMum avatar


Hi Tito,

I am curious to find out what you wish your parents could have done better.

Magira avatar


I am a father of a sickle cell child, who is two years now, to be honest I am always in worry about his future, this is my first born and I love him very much, some say that a person with this disease never survive beyond 23 years, so I need the best way of caring him from the clothes he supposed to wear, food to the place he supposed to sleep.
my child is a very adorable child I wish him to be healed and be free from the disease

Adedeji Olayemi avatar

Adedeji Olayemi

It's not easy being a sickle cell patient,the pain is unbearable 😫 😢 😩 💔 😪 I will be 33yrs by October 21.

Thank 😊 God For Life 🙏🏻


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