Sickle Cell Disease News Forums Forums Adults​ ​With​ ​Sickle Cell Useful Items to Help with the Cold?

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  • Kassem Banawer

    November 9, 2022 at 9:53 am

    Usually in winter season i don’t like heat direct on my body or heavy thinks over me or even electric blanket sheet on my bed this make my sleep uncomfortable, i think you can use this blanket if your bedroom is not warm enough so you can make the bed warm it’s a very good idea, but for me i have like the down below wall heater which i bought recently i can program the temperature at degree that i want and just leave it, {but be sure not to ask about the electricity bill LOL}, so after almost one hour the bedroom become warm and just you need light pajama only and light blanket no need for heavy blanket or clothes.

  • Michael Quadri

    November 12, 2022 at 1:24 am

    Lool @virus you had me at electrically bill!

    At the moment, I live by myself so I have been extremely apprehensive in putting the heating on, But I think it is starting to get cold enough that I can’t ignore it now. I am similar to you in the sense where I do not like heat directly on my body, I tend to become very lethargic and stroppy. So your suggest seems more like a bit of me!

  • Michael Quadri

    November 12, 2022 at 1:24 am

    Lool @virus you had me at electrically bill!

    At the moment, I live by myself so I have been extremely apprehensive in putting the heating on, But I think it is starting to get cold enough that I can’t ignore it now. I am similar to you in the sense where I do not like heat directly on my body, I tend to become very lethargic and stroppy. So your suggest seems more like a bit of me!

  • Michael Quadri

    November 12, 2022 at 1:24 am

    Lool @virus you had me at electrically bill!

    At the moment, I live by myself so I have been extremely apprehensive in putting the heating on, But I think it is starting to get cold enough that I can’t ignore it now. I am similar to you in the sense where I do not like heat directly on my body, I tend to become very lethargic and stroppy. So your suggest seems more like a bit of me!

  • Tito Oye

    January 10, 2023 at 4:50 am

    My best friend is definitely my hot water bottle. When I start to feel cold I grab my hot water bottle like I am preparing to go to war 😀

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