
Why I Started Advocating for Blood Donations

As someone with sickle cell disease, I’m very passionate about blood donations because this selfless act of kindness can change a person’s life, or even save it. Many donations go toward blood transfusions, a critical treatment for sickle cell patients. I can’t donate blood, so my advocacy efforts…

My Journey to Self-acceptance With Sickle Cell

Advocating for the sickle cell disease community means drawing on my experiences to help communicate the issues its members are facing, and to attract, engage, and educate a general audience. But this takes a toll on me, as many of my memories are unpleasant and traumatic. Even so, I continue…

How I’m Prioritizing My Health in the New Year

Happy New Year! It’s 2022, and my New Year’s resolution is the same as always: to experience and maintain good health. I’m not completely naive. I’m acutely aware of how sickle cell disease works, and I know I can’t predict many of my health hurdles. Thus, it’s almost impossible for…

The Challenges of Using Opioids to Manage Crisis Pain

I have been experiencing a lot of pain lately due to sickle cell crises. I previously wrote that my crises have started to correlate with my menstrual cycle, but I’m now experiencing them daily. Admittedly, I’m not experiencing the worst pain ever, as I’ve been able to manage…