
Why I Sought Therapy With a Trained Psychologist

People often tell me that I make living with sickle cell disease look easy. It is not. Whenever people make these types of comments, I always think that because I was born this way, I don’t know any other life — not really. For the most part, I have grown…

Sickle Cell Disease Won’t Stop Me From Succeeding

Last week, I did something I never thought I would do. It’s something that people with sickle cell disease are strongly advised against doing. But it also has redefined my abilities and defied the limitations I once imposed on myself. My friends and I took part in a 10-mile…

My Concerns as COVID-19 Restrictions Are Lifted in the UK

Most COVID-19 restriction laws were lifted in England on July 19. This includes mask requirements, social distancing rules, work-from-home guidance, and the rule of six, or the maximum number of people allowed at a social gathering. July 19 has been dubbed “Freedom Day” here in the U.K., but I…