
Keeping Safe During a Lockdown

In the early days of this outbreak, only a couple of media outlets nonchalantly reported the events surrounding COVID-19. Back then, we had no idea how serious this virus was. The word coronavirus wasn’t even an active part of my vocabulary. Fast-forward a few months later and it…

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

The intentional practice of gratitude is an essential life skill that’s helped me endure the toughest situations. A couple of years ago, my health went through a really tough period. I thought I knew everything about managing sickle cell but everything…

During Lockdown, It’s OK to Rest, Too

I was hospitalized on March 3 with a sickle cell crisis and discharged 12 days later. I then spent a week recovering at home. Under normal circumstances, I would have returned to “ordinary life” on March 23. But during that period, ordinary life changed significantly due to the…

The Isolation Diaries

On March 16, 2020, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, vulnerable citizens should shield themselves for 12 weeks. My instant reaction was utter shock. How could I feasibly spend the next 12 weeks inside my house? It’s been two weeks…

Learning to Swim with Sickle Cell

Swimming is an essential life skill. Everyone should learn to swim, as it could be the difference between life and death. My parents believed similarly and signed me up for swimming lessons as a child. However, I don’t remember the lessons so much as the pain and frequent hospital admissions.