Shaniqua’s Sickle Chronicles – a Column by Mary Shaniqua

Mary is a 30-year-old London-based sickle cell patient using her experiences to build up others and raise awareness of what it’s like to live with a rare disease.

What is the cost of being disabled?

An unfortunate reality is that life costs more when you are disabled. Why is this? Simply put, living with a disability often means that extra costs are required to gain access to mainstream society. Even in a country like the U.K., where I live and where healthcare is mostly free,…

A message of hope for my sickle cell community

I celebrated yet another birthday last week. I love birthdays. As someone living with sickle cell disease and the difficulties it brings, I’ve learned that life is fickle. Therefore, it’s important to be grateful for every year and to celebrate the gift of life. A celebration doesn’t always have…