
African Health Ministers Step Up Efforts to Improve SCD Care

A cohort of African health ministers, with support from the African regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO), has opened a campaign to improve sickle cell disease (SCD) awareness, prevention, and care in that continent, where most SCD patients reside. The effort seeks to curb the blood disorder’s…

Contraception Counseling for SCD Women Found to Vary by Provider

Contraception practices and counseling for adolescent and young adult women with sickle cell disease (SCD) vary by the healthcare provider, especially among clinicians with more or less experience, a survey reported. Established clinicians were found to be more likely to provide contraceptive counseling than those still in training, by…

Higher Hydroxyurea Exposure Tied to Better Blood Parameters in US

Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) exposed to higher doses of the oral therapy hydroxyurea report better blood-related clinical parameters than those with lower exposure, according to a new study from the U.S. The favorable outcomes were linked to higher adherence to treatment, suggesting that “adherence interventions have…