How I Recover from a Sickle Cell Crisis

Tito Oye avatar

by Tito Oye |

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self-care, recovery

In the past, when I felt a vaso-occlusive crisis coming on, my plan was to wait it out. However, I quickly realized that not trying to improve my situation could potentially damage my health. I decided to remedy that by focusing on self-care.

Following are some steps I take to speed up my recovery.

Tell someone

When you’re in pain, you may not be able to do certain things for yourself. It helps to tell someone how you’re feeling so they can help you.

I find that when I’m ill, I need someone to prompt me to eat and take medications. Sometimes I need help making things accessible. I ask people to bring all the things I might need to one room so I don’t have to look for them while I’m in pain.


I don’t like starting with the strongest painkillers I have, so I usually take some Tylenol. If that doesn’t help, I take something a bit stronger, such as codeine. If that doesn’t work, I resort to morphine. Remember, every patient is different, and be sure to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Hot water bottle

My hot water bottle is my best friend, especially during colder months. Sickle cell crises occur when sticky, sickle-shaped blood cells get stuck in blood vessels, restricting blood flow and depriving the body’s tissues of oxygen. A hot water bottle can aid in pain management by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. The warmth also distracts from the pain.

Distract yourself

Distract yourself from the pain! Do things that make you feel good. When I’m ill, I call a friend, watch something that makes me laugh, listen to music, or sleep.


I love food, but when I’m ill, my appetite is nowhere to be found. This is problematic, as the body needs nutrients. Some medications may require you to eat something first, so it’s important to eat, even when you don’t feel like it.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated should always be a priority, but it should be even more important during a sickle cell crisis. Staying hydrated helps increase blood flow.


The body is weak during a sickle cell crisis. Doing too much can exacerbate the situation. Focus on recovering. If possible, postpone your plans and get your strength back.

Positive thinking

Sickle cell crises make me upset and frustrated. I used to compare the difficulties of my life to the seemingly stress-free existence of people without sickle cell. Ultimately, that train of thought did nothing to improve my mindset.

It was only when I consciously changed the way I thought that I was able to look after myself with enthusiasm. I honestly believe that a positive outlook on life, irrespective of what is actually going on, will help you through difficult times. So, to all my sickle cell warriors, keep your head up!


Note: Sickle Cell Anemia News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Sickle Cell Anemia News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to sickle cell anemia.


Millicent Nyakech avatar

Millicent Nyakech

I need guidance on how to maintain a 6 years old girl who as been on a very serious pain crisis every October yearly. she is my kid.

Nathalynn Womack avatar

Nathalynn Womack

Get organic grape juice! My two oldest have the worst type and only done had one blood transfusion in their entire life! My oldest is 17, and next to the oldest is 16!



Hi Millicent, I visited an SCD treatment foundation recently and have testimonies of completely cured warriors without any operation like the bone-marrow transplant, though the cost was quite high, but we are planning on receiving the treatment as we saw true evidences. We were told it takes 3weeks to complete the therapy cure. I am very optimistic that crises will soon be a thing of the past. You could give it a try too.

Tito Oye avatar

Tito Oye

Hey Emmanuel,

What is the name of the treatment? I would love to read about it!

Ololade Durojaiye by avatar

Ololade Durojaiye by

Hello Emmanuel, please help with full details of this treatment.

Comfort avatar


Good to know. Pls what's the treatment?

Abolanle avatar


Please tell us about it,I have a 4 years old sickle cell. Thank you

Yve avatar


You need to establish a relationship with a good hematologist in the area. Also keep a journal to see what activites trigger the sickle cell episodes.

Richmond Boateng avatar

Richmond Boateng

How do I get a sickle cell association to join in UK . Am 35 years and recently relocated to UK and I have sickle cell so would like to join any sickle cell association.

Tito Oye avatar

Tito Oye

Hi Richmond,

You can look into the sickle cell society

Also, it may be worth checking if the hospital you're registered to has a sickle cell group that you can join.



Nice article Tito, you are a true warrior, keep the spirit always lifted, just like anything in life we shall conquer.

Tito Oye avatar

Tito Oye


Etim Ofem avatar

Etim Ofem

I look thinner and pale, what do i do to get rid of this as a sickler?

IGWE Alice Nkechinyere avatar

IGWE Alice Nkechinyere

Please how can I manage the frequent crisis my son has with sickle cell

Augustine Kwesi Acquah avatar

Augustine Kwesi Acquah

Hi I'm Augustine and am a student in Greece i do have sickle cell crisis from time to time. Please i need some advice, how can I contact you Tito oye? Thanks for your reply.

Ernest Deheer avatar

Ernest Deheer

I’m only taking in folic acid is it good at all ?

Soyemi Esther avatar

Soyemi Esther

I am a warrior, prayer is the key💯

Gilbert Bwalya avatar

Gilbert Bwalya

My son is 22 since December he has been down. He can't go very far. Buy he has improved


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